Al-Kauniyah 2024-06-25T04:30:44+00:00 Syaripah Aini [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>Al-Kauniyah adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Alquran dan Tafsir Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal.</p> <p>E-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-9042</a></p> <p>P-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2746-9050</a></p> Michael Cook: Kompromi Polemik Penulisan Al-Qur’an dan Hadis 2024-06-17T14:13:40+00:00 Nur Hamidah Pulungan [email protected] <p><em>This qualitative research using a literature review method examines the profile of an orientalist named Michael Cook as a developer of Western revisionist methods with the creation of his own method which is famously known as The Spread of Isnad. The initial Orientalist mission focused on the spread of missionary liberalism under colonialism with intellectual academic methods such as philology, manuscripts and language studies when studying the Koran and Hadith. The results of Orientalist studies are of course that the majority are skeptical and even weaken Islamic teachings. Most Orientalists claim that Muhammad was an adopter of at least two previous teachings, namely Judaism and Christianity, so there are many similarities in the two products. Polemics of differences between fellow orientalists also cannot be avoided. In reality, not all orientalists agree that the Koran and Hadith are fake products that support Islamic teachings. M. Cook comes with the character of neo-skepticism, namely an attempt to doubt the Prophet's hadith through attempts to develop the theoretical ideas of predecessors such as Schacht.</em></p> 2024-06-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Kauniyah Al-Dakhil Pada Hadis Mawdhu’ Seputar Asbàbun Nuzùl 2024-06-17T14:13:40+00:00 Khairul Bahri Nasution [email protected] <p>Knowledge about asbàbun-nuzùl is one of the most important things to know, because interpreting and expressing the meaning of a verse cannot be done without knowing the chronology that caused the revelation of that verse. The scholars stated that the best way to know asbàbun-nuzùl is through authentic narratives. However, in reality there is a lot of literature surrounding asbàbun-nuzùl, both material-substantial literature which contains mawdhu' hadiths which fall into the classification of al-dakhîl in the field of tafsir science. Among the literature regarding asbàbun-nuzùl that is often referred to is the work of Abu Hasan 'Ali al-Wahidi an-Naisabùriy. In his book, he has emphasized his own opinion that "We cannot say about the reasons for the revelation of the verses of the Qur'an, except by narration and hearing from people who witnessed the verse being revealed, and also know the reasons, and discuss about understanding and serious in seeking such things." However, this opinion is not supported by the validity of the hadith so that in some of the asbàbun-nuzùl that are narrated there are those that are mawdhu', while in fact there is a valid history regarding this, such as in Q.S. al-Ahzab: 14 and 97, Q.S. al-Ahzab : 23, Q.S. al-Masad. Al-Wahidi was found to have narrated many of Ibn 'Abbas' narratives from the al-Kalbi route from Abi Salih, which is the worst route because they were accused of lying.</p> 2024-06-17T14:08:40+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Kauniyah iqna ia 2024-06-17T14:13:40+00:00 iqna_123 Abdul Rafiq [email protected] <p>Kebiasaan baru di era abad-21 ini, mengikis kebutuhan masyarakat berinteraksi dengan orang di sekitarnya. Akibatnya, banyak masyarakat yang enggan simpati dan empati terhadap apa yang terjadi di sekitarnya dan banyak pekerjaan yang terbengkalai. Tentu hal ini dipandang biasa oleh masyarakat zaman sekarang, akan tetapi di sinilah mula penanaman karakter anak yang kurang baik. Patologi sosial terhadap orang tua kini semakin menjadi. Seperti yang terjadi di Aceh, anak menganiaya ibunya hingga memar karena tidak di belikan motor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep pendidikan birr al-walidayn dalam mencegah patologi sosial terhadap orang tua. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan (library research). Penulis akan menganalisa tafsir surah al-Isra’ ayat 23 dan merelevansikan antara konsep pendidikan birr al-walidayn dengan upaya mencegah patologi sosial terhadap orang tua. Adapun hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsep pendidikan birr al-walidayn dalam mencegah patologi sosial terhadap orang tua yang terdapat dalam surah al-Isra’ ayat 23 terbagi menjadi tiga hal. Pertama, Membiasakan berbuat Ihsan kepada orang tua sejak usia dini. Kedua, menanamkan rasa kasih sayang anak kepada orang tua. Ketiga menegur anak jika mengatakan hal-hal yang kurang baik tanpa membentak dan memarahinya.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-17T14:13:17+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Kauniyah RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE INTERPRETATION OF AL-AZHAR (Analytical Study of Qs. Al-Baqarah: 265) 2024-06-25T04:00:46+00:00 Novia Permata Sari [email protected] <p><em>Phenomena that appear among Muslims are increasingly complex, both internally and externally. Among them appear extreme attitudes in understanding Islamic teachings, both strict and loose extremes. One of the advantages of Islam is its moderate teachings. Moderation is needed to respond to contemporary problems, because the problems that arise today are different from those that emerged at the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Moderation is an Islamic teaching that requires people to be fair, balanced and beneficial in life. Religious moderation is actually the key to achieving tolerance and harmony, in order to maintain civilization and create peace. Freedom in religion is a form of embodiment of Moderation and Religious Tolerance.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-25T04:00:46+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Kauniyah DAKWAH ALA QURAISH SHIHAB 2024-06-25T04:30:44+00:00 nugraha andri [email protected] Nana Gustianda [email protected] <p>Dakwah merupakan perintah pertama yang diberikan Allah kepada Nabi&nbsp; Muhammad sebagai suatu pengakuan terhadap kerasulannya. Hal yang sama juga diperintahkan kepada manusia selain Nabi Muhammad untuk mengajak manusia ke jalan yang benar atau ajaran Islam. Ada banyak metode berdakwah, namun dalam al-Qur’an dijelaskan bagaimana seharusnya berdakwah yang paling baik dilakukan. Q.S al-Nahl: 125 menjelaskan bagaimana cara berdakwah sesuai tuntunan, untuk dapat memahami apa yang disampaikan al-Qur’an supaya lebih tepat sasaran, kita dapat melihat bagaimana Quraish Shihab menafsirkan ayat ini.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-25T04:30:44+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Kauniyah