Peran Buya Gusrizal Gazahar di Majelis Ulama Indonesia Sumatra Barat
MUI Sumatra Barat masa kepemimpinan Buya Gusrizal Gazahar memahami pergolakan dan perubahan sosial seperti perubahan. Masa kepemimpinnya di Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Sumatera Barat memberikan perubahan bagi masyarakat Sumbar termasuk perannya dalam mengikuti permasalahan isu-isu sosial, politik dan agama di lingkungan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni mendeskripsikan awal pembentukan Majelis Ulama Indonesia Sumatera Barat, mendeskripsikan biografi dan gaya kepemimpinan dari Buya Gusrizal Gazahar di Majelis Ulama Indonesia Sumatra Barat dan menjelaskan Kontribusi Buya Gusrizal Gazahar sebagai ketua Majelis Ulama Indonesia Sumatra Barat. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian deskriptif adalah penelitian diarahkan untuk memberikan gejala-gejala, fakta-fakta atau peristiwa-peristiwa secara sistematis dan akurat, mengenai sifat-sifat populasi atau daerah tertentu. Hasil penelitian dalam artikel ini, yaitu pertama, majelis Ulama Indonesia Sumatera Barat telah terbentuk sebelum pendirian Majelis Ulama Indonesia Pusat. Kedua, Buya Gusrizal Gazahar merupakan seorang cendekiawan dalam ilmu keagaamaan Islam karena keluarga dan lingkungannya adalah lingkungan religius dan akademis hingga ia menyelesaikan studi masternya. Gaya kepemimpinan Buya Gusrizal Gazahar dinilai prestisius dalam Majelis Ulama Indonesia Sumatera Barat, karena ia memiliki sifat tegas, konsisten, jujur, cerdas dan responsibel dalam kempemimpinnya di Majelis Ulama Indonesia Sumatera Barat. Ketiga, kontribusinya bagi MUI Sumbar memberikan dampak positif terhadap masyarakat karena ia selalu memberikan responsif dan tegas terhadap permasalahan muncul di lingkungan masyarakat.
The West Sumatra MUI during the leadership of Buya Gusrizal Gazahar understood social upheaval and change as change. His tenure at the Indonesian Ulama Council (MUI) of West Sumatra brought changes to the people of West Sumatra, including his role in following social, political and religious issues in the community. The purpose of this study is to describe the early formation of the West Sumatran Indonesian Ulema Council, to describe the biography and leadership style of Buya Gusrizal Gazahar at the Indonesian Ulama Council of West Sumatra and to explain the contribution of Buya Gusrizal Gazahar as chairman of the Indonesian Ulama Council of West Sumatra. This type of research is descriptive using a qualitative approach. Descriptive research is research directed at providing symptoms, facts or events systematically and accurately, regarding the characteristics of a particular population or area. The results of the research in this article, namely first, the Indonesian Ulama Council of West Sumatra was formed before the establishment of the Central Indonesian Ulama Council. Second, Buya Gusrizal Gazahar is a scholar in Islamic religious science because his family and environment are religious and academic environments until he completes his master's studies. Buya Gusrizal Gazahar's leadership style is considered prestigious in the Indonesian Ulama Council of West Sumatra, because he is firm, consistent, honest, intelligent and responsible in his leadership at the Indonesian Ulama Council of West Sumatra. Third, his contribution to the Indonesian Ulama Council of West Sumatra has a positive impact on the community because he is always responsive and firm to problems that arise in the community.
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