Al-Manaj : Jurnal Program Studi Manajemen Dakwah
<p>Almanaj adalah jurnal yang di kelola oleh program studi Manajemen dakwah STAIN Mandailing Natal. Jurnal dipublikasikan sebanyak 2 kali per tahun yakni di bulan Juni dan bulan Desember. Al manaj menerima artikel hasil penelitian dengan fokus dan scope di bidang Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam, Manajemen Dakwah, Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam dan Psikologi Islam.</p>Prodi Manajemen Dakwah STAIN Mandailing Natalen-USAl-Manaj : Jurnal Program Studi Manajemen Dakwah2775-2062<ul> <li>All articles published in Al Manaj: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah are licensed under a <a title="Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International</a> (CC BY-SA) license. This means anyone is free to copy, transform, or redistribute articles for any lawful purpose in any medium, provided they give appropriate attribution to the original author(s) and Al Manaj: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah, link to the license, indicate if changes were made, and redistribute any derivative work under the same license.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>Copyright on articles is retained by the respective author(s), without restrictions. A non-exclusive license is granted to Al Manaj: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah to publish the article and identify itself as its original publisher, along with the commercial right to include the article in a hardcopy issue for sale to libraries and individuals.</li> <li>Although the conditions of the <a title="Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International</a> (CC BY-SA) license do not apply to authors (as the copyright holder of your article, you have no restrictions on your rights), by submitting to Al Manaj: Jurnal Manajemen Dakwah, authors recognize the rights of readers and must grant any third party the right to use their articles to the extent provided by the license.</li> </ul> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></a><br>This work is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p>EFEKTIVITAS DAKWAH BERBASIS HUMOR: STUDI KASUS DI DAERAH MANDAILING NATAL
<p><em>Humor-based da'wah is a new approach in conveying Islamic religious teachings that uses elements of humor as a means to attract the audience's attention. This study aims to explore the effectiveness of humor-based da'wah in the Mandailing Natal area, North Sumatra. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data was collected through in- depth interviews with religious leaders, traditional leaders and the general public who were involved in humor-based da'wah activities. Data analysis was carried out using a thematic approach to identify general patterns in responses and perceptions of this community's preaching</em></p>Siti Rahma HarahapFitri Ani Aulia RangkutiIlmi KhodijahNur PrasantiRiski Deliana
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