Al-Mu'tabar <p><strong><em>Al-Mu'tabar</em></strong> is published twice a year, in June and December, by the Department of ilmu Hadith, Faculty of Ushuluddin Humaniora and Dakwah, State Islamic of Institute Mandailing Natal &nbsp; Panyabungan North Sumatera Indonesia. The journal aims to encourage and promote the study of the Hadith from a wide range of scholarly perspectives. The topic covers all related issues in the study of the Hadith, including Linguistic, Literary, and Thematic Perspectives of the Hadith; Hadith Commentaries; The Hadith and Other Traditions; Methods and Approaches to the&nbsp; Hadith; The Societal Hadith; Translation of the Hadith; Historical of the Hadith and Living Hadith.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Program Studi Ilmu Hadis - P3M STAIN Mandailing Natal en-US Al-Mu'tabar 2774-9460 Reinterpretasi Hadis Eksistensi Wanita di Ranah Politik <p><em>The inequality in the implementation of the roles of men and women due to cultural interpretations of the impression of gender differences will always be a topic of scientific study, including the skeptical attitude towards placing women in the political sphere. One of the factors that strengthens this skepticism is a reflection of the understanding of religious texts, the popular hadith with the paragraph saying that a people will not be lucky if led by a woman. This research is qualitative in nature with a text analysis method based on literature study. The aim is to adapt the understanding of the Koran and hadith regarding the existence of women in the political realm. The results showed that in the re-interpretation of the Qur'an and Hadith it was found that there were several techniques that needed to be mastered textually, contextually and intertextually by testing the reliability of the hadith with the Koran, other valid hadiths, historical facts and relevant scientific truths. The impression of the hadith which prohibits women from taking part in politics can be used as a preventive measure against people who are actually unfit to be leaders in order to minimize harm that will occur and Islam itself does not differentiate between men and women in political rights. The struggle to equalize women's rights in politics should not be seen as fighting against men but rather as normalizing justice in accordance with Islamic principles and sharia in particular. A woman's complete credibility must be prepared when she participates in politics because it concerns the rights of many people.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Jumrotul Qawwim Muhammad Alif Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Mu'tabar 2024-06-05 2024-06-05 4 1 1 20 10.56874/jurnal ilmu hadis.v4i1.1784 Tren Kecantikan dalam Perspektif Hadis <p>Beauty trends are actions that can reflect the values or views that prevail in society regarding <br>perceptions of beauty, this gives rise to a new culture that is followed by society. This article <br>aims to provide the boundaries of moral values that are in accordance with Islamic sharia <br>through a review of hadith. This research uses a contemporary hadith thematic method by <br>applying the grounded theory method. There are 6 hadiths found from the Maktaba Shameela <br>or the Hadith Book of 9 Imams. The hadiths found were narrated by Sahih Bukhari, Sahih <br>Muslim, Sunan Tirmidhi, and Sunan Ahmad. This research concludes that beauty trends <br>are permissible from a religious perspective, as long as the actions do not deviate from the <br>sharia values taught in Islamic guidelines (Al-Quran and Hadith).</p> Muhammad Bilal Fauzi Salim Rosyadi Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Mu'tabar 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 4 1 21 37 10.56874/jurnal ilmu hadis.v4i1.1815 Ilmu Mukhtalif Al-Ḥadīṡ: Pendekatan dan Metode Penyelesaian <p><em>The theoretical study of the contradictions that exist in the hadiths of the Prophet s.a.w. has begun since the 2nd century Hijri. The existence of mukhtalif (contradictory) hadiths regarding a particular problem, practically can cause confusion in taking certainty of the teachings (legal provisions) that regulate the problem, which of them must be followed and practiced. In order not to be trapped in understanding hadiths that appear to be contradictory, it is necessary to discuss a study of hadith, namely the Mukhtalif al-Hadīth and its resolution. Mukhtalif al-Hadīth is a science that seeks to bring together (talfīq al-hadīth) several hadiths that contradict their meaning. Included in the definition of mukhtalif hadith are hadiths that are difficult to understand because of the existence of difficult-to-understand words. This article attempts to explore matters relating to the Mukhtalif al-Hadīth as well as its approach and method of solution so that readers can draw conclusions not to rush to reject hadiths that are considered contradictory before actually conducting in-depth verification.</em></p> Sheyla Nichlatus Sovia Rendy Dwi Hermanto Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Mu'tabar 2024-06-16 2024-06-16 4 1 38 59 10.56874/jurnal ilmu hadis.v4i1.1137 Studi Validitas Hadis-Hadis Dalam Ayqâz An-Niyâm Karya Syeikh Abdul Karim Amrullah (W.1945) <p>This study examines the validity of the Hadiths contained in the book of <em>Ayqâz an-Niyâm Fima Ibtada’a min Amril Qiyâm</em>, in which there is the thought of Abdul Karim Amrullah about the implementing of standing on readings of the Maulid Prophet. He wrote in his work as a means of praise and <em>tablig</em> in purifying the practices of the values of the teachings of Islam that have been contaminated with <em>bid’ah, taklid, and khurafat</em>, for it to be consistent with Minangkabau customary thinking. This research uses a qualitative approach to describe the findings in the book in a descriptive way. To test the validity of the Hadiths contained in the Book of <em>Ayqâz an-Niyâm</em>, the writer uses the method of <em>Takhrij</em> by searching the mother books of Hadith and the book of <em>takhrij hadith</em>. Technically, in some of Abdul Karim's hadiths, he did not write the whole hadith, but after Takhrij, all of the <em>matan</em> hadiths listed in the book were written with complete and qualified <em>Shahih</em>. Nevertheless, the hearts of the hadith used by the elders are felt to be inappropriate to the target and there is a hearing of the Hadith in accordance with the needs of the opinion. This is the basis for the use of <em>Hadith </em>as <em>Hujjah</em> by Abdul Karim Amrullah as a form of opposition to the thought of the Elders in Minangkabau.&nbsp;</p> Sukma Dahlia Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Mu'tabar 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 4 1 60 75 10.56874/jurnal ilmu hadis.v4i1.1677 TAKABUR DALAM PERSPEKTIF HADIS <p>Takabur is a behavior that refers to a person's arrogant, conceited, or boastful attitude towards other people. In Islam, takabur is referred to as one of the eight major sins that must be avoided, because it deviates or violates the principle of humility and the recognition that all humans are equal before Allah SWT. This research aims to identify and understand the factors that influence the development of takabur behavior based on hadith. The discussion in explains immoral behavior, its impacts, and how to avoid it referring to the hadith of the Prophet SAW. The method used in this research is contemporary hadith thematics. This research concludes that it is important for every individual to avoid takabbur and strive to develop an attitude of humility, humility, and simplicity through the application of hadith.</p> Amar Firdaus Muhammad Alif Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Mu'tabar 2024-06-27 2024-06-27 4 1 76 92 10.56874/jurnal ilmu hadis.v4i1.1821