Journal of English Education and Linguistics <p>The Journal of English Education and Linguistics welcomes submission of previously unpublished research articles on areas of significance to all those concerned with second or foreign language teaching, general and applied linguistics, discourse analysis and literature, as well as education.<br><br>The journal is devoted to scientific studies exhibiting solid research methodology and presenting findings with pedagogically significant implications.<br><br>Although the articles are published in English, we also invite any articles concerning the teaching and learning of languages other than English.</p> Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal en-US Journal of English Education and Linguistics 2722-2667 <p>All articles published in the Journal of English Education and Linguistics are licensed under a <a title="Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International</a> (CC BY-SA) license. This means anyone is free to copy, transform, or redistribute articles for any lawful purpose in any medium, provided they give appropriate attribution to the original author(s) and Journal of English Education and Linguistics, link to the license, indicate if changes were made, and redistribute any derivative work under the same license.</p> <p>Copyright on articles is retained by the respective author(s) without restrictions. A non-exclusive license is granted to the Journal of English Education and Linguistics to publish the article and identify itself as its original publisher, along with the commercial right to include the article in a hardcopy issue for sale to libraries and individuals.</p> <p>Although the conditions of the&nbsp;<a title="Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International</a> (CC BY-SA) license do not apply to authors (as the copyright holder of your article, you have no restrictions on your rights), by submitting to the Journal of English Education and Linguistics, authors recognize the rights of readers and must grant any third party the right to use their articles to the extent provided by the license.</p> <p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License"></a><br>This work is licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p> DICTION AND IDEOLOGY OF KAESANG PANGAREP'S FIRST SPEECH IN A POLITICAL FORUM <p><em>This study aims to analyze the diction, language power, and ideology used by Kaesang Pangerep in his first political speech. The analysis was based on Fairclough's CDA theory (1989) and combined with Thomas N. Huckin's model. The research method used was descriptive qualitative, focusing on elaborating paragraphs, sentences, and words. The analysis began with an examination of the entire text, followed by a more detailed analysis of sentences and words. The text was analyzed to understand the contextual interpretation of the relationship between language power and ideology. Additionally, language relevance and style features were analyzed to understand Kaesang Pangarep's diction in his public speech. The results indicated that the connections between language power and ideology were broadly defined through CDA. The study revealed that although there were instances of irrelevant language use, Kaesang Pangarep's speech was directly aimed at the Millennial party. The linguistic ideology in his speech was observed to reflect a legacy role from current political issues, suggesting a shift in the language used to build the ideology, with specific aims and a legacy of current linguistic issues.</em></p> Dian Ardiansah Aceng Ruhendi Saifullah Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Ardiansah, Aceng Ruhendi Saifullah 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 5 1 1 14 10.56874/jeel.v5i1.1700 KAHOOT! IN TEACHING VOCABULARY TO SEVENTH GRADERS OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL <p><em>The research investigates Kahoot!'s effectiveness in teaching vocabulary to junior high school pupils. According to observation by the researcher at a private Islamic junior high school, English language learners frequently struggled with vocabulary deficiency when learning English. In addition, the teacher frequently referred to textbooks, which was tiresome and repetitive for seventh-grade students. A promising way to address these issues was to deploy the educational platform termed Kahoot! The end goal of the present research was to ascertain whether or not Kahoot! showed its effectiveness in vocabulary teaching to junior high school seventh graders. The study utilized a quantitative methodology and was designed as a quasi-experimental design with a pre-test and a post-test as instruments. An independent sample t-test was applied. This research focused on sixty students as the subjects. Based on the data analysis, </em><em>a statistically significant distinction was proven by the p-value= .000</em>. <em>The experimental group exhibited supreme performance with a score of 76.5 in contrast to the control group with only 55.5. </em><em>The score for the effect size of teaching vocabulary using Kahoot about directions material was 0.5, showing a large effect.</em><em> It can be inferred that Kahoot! demonstrates its effectiveness in teaching vocabulary to seventh graders of junior high school. </em></p> Salsabilla Fitrotun Nada Wiwiet Eva Savitri Copyright (c) 2024 Salsabilla Fitrotun Nada, Wiwiet Eva Savitri 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 5 1 15 29 10.56874/jeel.v5i1.1738 SPEECH ACTS ANALYSIS ON LILLY CONTINO’S COMPLAINT VIDEOS IN A RESTAURANT SETTING <p><em>This study examines the use of Speech Acts complaining in Lilly Contino’s misgendering videos. Using Speech Acts categorizations by Searle (1969) and Moon’s (2002) complaining framework, the study aims to identify the strategy of complaints used by Lilly Contino and to examine its effectiveness. The study reveals that Lilly Contino used both implicit and explicit strategies. The implicit strategy used as an initial complaint by using assertive Speech Acts comprises reaffirming, recognizing, and stating, the explicit strategy used as a follow-up complaint by using directive Speech Acts includes demanding and requesting; and the expressive Speech Acts is used as well encompass Lilly’s personal feeling. It is also found that the implicit strategy is less effective for complaints rather than the explicit one. The study furthermore reveals that complaining has its level to address offensive situations. Therefore, this study is particularly useful for understanding the intent of complainers and how the hearer develops a suitable apology.</em></p> Sinta Dewi Risa Astuti Hafidatun Nursalam Pisit Meekaeo Copyright (c) 2024 Sinta Dewi, Risa Astuti, Hafidatun Nursalam, Pisit Meekaeo (Author) 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 5 1 30 36 10.56874/jeel.v5i1.1729 CONSTRUCTION OF RECIPROCAL VERBS IN ANGKOLA BATAK LANGUAGE <p><em>This research aims to analyze the syntactic aspects of reciprocal verb construction in the Angkola Batak language (</em><em>ABl</em><em>) using binding theory. A qualitative method with a descriptive approach is used in this research. Data were collected through literature study and the author's intuition as a native speaker, then analyzed by agih method and presented informally and formally. The result of the research identifies the formation process of reciprocal verbs in </em><em>ABl </em><em>through affixation, affixation+reduplication, and affixation+the word "saling". The characteristics of reciprocal verbs in </em><em>ABl</em><em> include intransitive nature, can be followed by the constituent "each other", requires the presence of subject-filling nouns or human complements, and belongs to the category of telic verbs. This study concludes that the binding theory can be applied to analyze the construction of reciprocal verbs in the Angkola Batak language, showing the validity of this theory in the analysis of regional languages. The contribution of this research lies in the documentation and understanding of the grammatical aspects of the Angkola Batak language. </em></p> Anna Leli Harahap Copyright (c) 2024 Anna Leli Harahap 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 5 1 37 44 10.56874/jeel.v5i1.1739 A DISCOURSE ANALYSIS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL ENGLISH TEACHING ARGUMENTS <p><em>This study delves into the complex and contentious debate over language policy in primary education, focusing on the inclusion of English language instruction. Using a discourse analysis approach, the study delves into multifaceted arguments and counterarguments related to adopting English as a primary language of instruction in early childhood education. A qualitative descriptive research design with content analysis and discourse analysis techniques is used in the methodology. A Content Analysis Worksheet and a Transcription Template are among the research tools used to analyze YouTube videos about the removal of English as a mandatory subject in Indonesian primary schools. Findings reveal a range of viewpoints among stakeholders, including educators, government officials, and citizens, with regional perspectives from Bali emphasizing the practical importance of English in a tourism-centric environment. The discussion highlights the importance of clear communication, consideration of regional contexts, balancing academic requirements, and long-term planning in shaping effective language policies in primary education.</em></p> Marwah Mukarromah Didin Nuruddin Hidayat Alek Alek Copyright (c) 2024 Marwah Mukarromah, Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, Alek 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 5 1 45 58 10.56874/jeel.v5i1.1708 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FLYSWATTER GAME IN IMPROVING THE SEVENTH-YEAR STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY <p><em>The purpose of this study is to determine whether teaching vocabulary using the Flyswatter game enhanced student vocabulary. The author used a flyswatter game as part of her action research in the classroom to find a solution. One cycle was used by the author in this study. Every cycle has four meetings. One class of twenty-four students participated in this investigation. The writer employed documentation, test sheets, and observation sheets as tools for gathering data. Based on the research findings, the students' progressive mean was displayed. The mean of the first meeting was 53.5; the second was 55.3; the third was 61.9; the fourth was 66.1 and the fifth was 75,5. As a result, the post-test mean was greater than the pre-test mean. The information collected from the observation sheet suggested that the pupils made progress. Research suggests that using the flyswatter game helps students' vocabularies. Finally, the flyswatter game may help SMPN 2 Tambangan students become more proficient in the language.</em></p> Rica Umrina Lubis Sri Wahyuni Hasibuan Siti Aisyah Copyright (c) 2024 Rica Umrina Lubis, Siti Aisyah, Sri Wahyuni Hasibuan 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 1 59 65 10.56874/jeel.v5i1.1790 ENGLISH NEEDS ANALYSIS FOR STUDENTS OF POLYTECHNIC RADIO DIAGNOSTIC ENGINEERING AND RADIOTHERAPY <p><em>This study aims to identify and analyze the need for English for Specific Purposes (ESP) learning materials for students in the Department of Radio Diagnostic Engineering and Radiotherapy (ATRO) at Muhammadiyah Makassar. A needs analysis was conducted to ensure students receive materials that support their learning and career development, using a qualitative approach and descriptive strategy. The research subjects were second-semester students in class B21 and their experienced ESP lecturer, selected through purposive random sampling. Data collection involved observation, recording, questionnaires, and interviews. Key findings from the questionnaire included: 83.3% satisfaction with current ESP materials, 77.8% of students needing English related to Radiology, 55.6% with intermediate English proficiency, and 66.7% aiming to improve their English for professional purposes. Skills priorities were speaking (66.7%), listening (61.1%), reading (33.3%), and writing (33.3%). Effective speaking skills instruction is achieved by dividing the large class into three groups. These findings suggest ESP lecturers and stakeholders should develop lesson plans and teaching media aligned with these needs. Additionally, the ESP lecturer identified Merrill's Atlas of Radiographic Positions and Radiological Procedures as a key resource for material development. </em></p> Masdianti Masdianti Nana Erna Titin Suhartini Asdar Copyright (c) 2024 Masdianti, M., Nana Erna, Titin Suhartini, Asdar 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 1 66 74 10.56874/jeel.v5i1.1775 DEVELOPMENT OF WORDWALL WEBSITE MEDIA FOR TEACHING VOCABULARY <p><em>The use of learning media will facilitate teachers and students in the English learning process. One of the learning media that can be used is Wordwall. This research aims to develop materials using learning media based on the Wordwall Website and analyze the development results related to its suitability for vocabulary teaching. The subjects of this study were students of grade 10-2 at Madrasah Aliyah Sirojut Tholibin. The research employed the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method. The development model used in this research was ADDIE which consists of five steps: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. In the development process, there was the involvement of instrument experts, product experts, and material experts before the media was tested on students. Each result provided by the expert was used as material for improvement. The validation results from instrument experts amounted to 80%, product experts 90%, and material experts 78%. It means that the learning media developed is "valid" to be tested on students as learning media. After the trial process, students gave responses with an average percentage of 84.3%. It means that the media is also "valid" to be used to help improve their vocabulary and learning motivation in English lessons.</em></p> Anissa Gantari Copyright (c) 2024 Anissa Gantari 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 1 75 90 10.56874/jeel.v5i1.1819 STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVES OF YOUTUBE USAGE IN DEVELOPING AUTONOMOUS LEARNING IN ELT CONTEXTS <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">YouTube is a well-known platform that everyone can use in every context, including the educational field. Despite the enormous benefit of YouTube usage in the learning context, only a little has been discussed about how YouTube can be used in developing students' autonomous skills. This current research aims to explore students' perceptions of the role of YouTube videos in developing students' autonomous learning and English language skills. This research was examined using a qualitative design and a type of data collection using a closed-ended questionnaire distributed to students in the form of a Google Form. The research subjects include 11 students of 5th-semester English education majors at State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta who utilize YouTube to study English outside of class. Findings showed that YouTube is effective in developing autonomous learning skills. Furthermore, a major number of students specifically identified listening and vocabulary skills as areas where YouTube may help their autonomous learning activities.</span></em></p> Mutiara Astri Perdani Nurita Rahayu Suci Nurul Inayah Alifa Azka Yatni Fatwa Mulyati Copyright (c) 2024 Mutiara Astri Perdani, Nurita Rahayu, Suci Nurul Inayah, Alifa Azka, Yatni Fatwa Mulyati 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 5 1 91 100 10.56874/jeel.v5i1.1858