Journal Of Islamic Primary Education JIPE en-US Journal Of Islamic Primary Education 2775-0701 Analisa Kesalahan Ejaan Berbahasa dalam Skripsi Mahasiswa PGMI STAI Barumun Raya Sibuhuan <p><em>The problem in this research is that there are still students who still make mistakes in writing their thesis and also in using punctuation marks and the solution that the researcher provides is to upload the file to Google Drive and carry out analysis using Google Doc. The objectives of this research are (1) To find out language spelling errors in preparing thesis proposals for PGMI STAIBR Sibuhuan students. (2) To find out writing errors in STAIBR Sibuhuan student theses. (3) To describe spelling errors in using capital letters, errors in using italics, and errors in using bold letters in PGMI STAIBR Sibuhuan student theses. In this research the author used a type of field research, the design used was qualitative research, namely research that produces data in the form of written or spoken words from the people being observed. There are two data sources that researchers use, namely primary data sources and secondary data sources. Primary data sources are data taken directly from research objects, namely students and lecturers at STAIBR Sibuhuan. Secondary data sources are data taken in</em></p> <p><br><em>the form of documents, such as books, books, dictionaries and other literature related to language spelling in writing a the form of documents, such as books, books, dictionaries and other literature related to language spelling in writing a thesis</em></p> Lina Maya Sari Siregar Lina Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Islamic Primary Education 2024-10-03 2024-10-03 1 2 1 11 Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di Sekolah Dasar <p>This study aims to determine the implementation of the independent curriculum in SD Negeri 200223 Padangsidimpuan. This study focuses on the implementation of the independent curriculum in designing the operational curriculum of educational units (KOSP), making teaching modules, implementing the Pancasila student profile strengthening project (P5), differentiated learning, science learning, learning reflection, diagnostic assessment, formative and summative. This study is a qualitative research type of descriptive research, which describes the phenomena or events that occur in SD Negeri 200223 Padangsidimpuan related to the implementation of the independent curriculum. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are through data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the independent curriculum has been carried out well with the support and encouragement of various parties and also the establishment of good cooperation between school residents to realize differentiated learning, realizing students in accordance with the Pancasila student profile through the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5) activities. Learning conducted at SD N 200223 Padangsidimpuan has been adjusted to the interests, talents and learning style needs of students. The implementation of the curriculum runs optimally even though there are various obstacles and challenges, but through cooperation, discussion and involvement between the principal and teachers, educational units with related education offices, parents/guardians of students, stakeholders, the community, government agencies, the implementation of the independent curriculum can be carried out as expected. Although in the future it still needs better improvement and development.</p> Yulia Eka Putri Yulia Copyright (c) 2024-10-03 2024-10-03 1 2 12 31 SUMBER DAYA PENDIDIKAN DASAR SD/MI <p><em>The development of quality human resources with the goal of advancing the nation's intellectual life continues to be pursued by the government. The commitment or awareness of all national components to improve quality must comply with the prevailing regulations. This research aims to understand the basic concept of human resource quality development in MI/SD (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah/Elementary School), the performance and productivity of human resources in MI/SD, the steps and efforts to improve human resource quality in MI/SD within the scope of national education standards, and the role, function, and duties of school principals in enhancing the productivity of human resources in MI/SD. The results of this study show that human resource development indeed stems from existing issues. These issues revolve around how to enhance human resources to meet the challenges of the times and how to ensure our human resources can compete with foreign human resources. Therefore, through their performance and productivity, human resources can contribute optimally to improving the quality of education in Indonesia. As leaders of educational institutions, school principals must also participate in ensuring the success of this effort. Through their roles, functions, and initiatives, it is expected that school principals can work together to enhance the human resources of both educators and educational staff in terms of effective and efficient performance and productivity.</em></p> Nurizki Siregar Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Islamic Primary Education 2024-10-03 2024-10-03 1 2 32 41 KURIKULUM MERDEKA DAN GENERASI EMAS SD/MI <p><em>The independent learning curriculum is a new breakthrough in the world of education in Indonesia as a response to learning losses due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. The first time it was designed was in 2019 a proposal from the Indonesian Minister of Education, namely Mas Nadiem Anwar Makarim, to restore the true identity of education. At that time the name was still a prototype curriculum, then as it developed it changed to an independent learning curriculum. The study in this article uses a qualitative approach with a literature study method, data sources are taken from books, proceedings, journals and the internet according to the topic of the study. The results of the research reveal that the independent learning curriculum applied at the elementary school level has been able to form students' personalities who creative, innovative, critical reasoning, balance between IESQ, and character as capital in realizing Indonesia's golden generation with global competitiveness. Apart from that, in the independent learning curriculum, teachers as educators have full prerogative rights in managing learning so that they are not bound by standard rules which have been negatively impacted in the world of Indonesian education</em></p> Widya Sari Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Islamic Primary Education 2024-10-03 2024-10-03 1 2 42 50 Perkembangan Sosial, Emosi, Moral Anak Sekolah Dasar <p><em>This research aims to determine the characteristics of social, emotional and moral development in elementary school age children. The research method used in this research is literature study. The results of the research show that the social, emotional and moral development characteristics of elementary school children are aware of the social role, religion, race and socio-economic status of their peers, accept cultural assessments and adult attitudes towards their status, thus giving rise to group awareness in behaving in their social environment. . These characteristics will persist until late childhood and will continue until they are adults if educators provide stimulus to continue their developmental tasks maturely. This stimulus takes the form of guidance, direction, and provides a good and healthy socio-cultural environment for social, emotional and moral development</em></p> Putri Yolanda Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Islamic Primary Education 2024-10-03 2024-10-03 1 2 51 58 UPAYA GURU DALAM MENGATASI KESULITAN BELAJAR MEMBACA SISIWA SD / MI <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Adapun yang melatar belakangi peneliti mengambil permasalahan ini karena menurut peneliti bahwa membaca merupakan aspek yang sangat penting dalam proses pembelajaran terutama pada dasar untuk melajutkan ke jenjang selanjutnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, Kemampuan siswa dalam belajar membaca di kelas I SD 045 Malintang berberda-beda disetiap kelasnya namun memiliki persamaan yang hampir sama terlihat dari hasil persentase data yang diperoleh hampir sama, &nbsp;Proses belajar mengajar bagi siswa yang mengalami kesulitan belajar membaca di SD 045 Malitang juga memiliki perbedaan di dua kelas 1 tergantung dengan tindakan yang dilakukan guru di kelas, Faktor pendukung dan penghambat upaya guru dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar membaca siswa kelas I SD 045 Malintang juga memiliki permasalahan yang berbeda dan sama, Upaya yang dilakukan guru dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar membaca siswa juga berbeda-beda.</p> Ari Anto Ari Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Of Islamic Primary Education 2024-10-03 2024-10-03 1 2 59 68