QAULAN : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam <p style="text-align: justify;"><img src="/public/site/images/rahmiwahyuni01/3d_jurnal_qaulan2.png" width="307" height="283"></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Qaulan: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting</strong> registered with<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> ISSN : 2721-8279 (Online)</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN : 2722-2780 (Printed)</a>. Published biannually, in June and December, this journal serves as a pivotal platform for the exploration and dissemination of knowledge within the field of Islamic communication and broadcasting. Qaulan is under the aegis of the Mandailing Natal Islamic Broadcasting Communication Studies Program, solidifying its commitment to fostering academic excellence and contributing to the discourse in Islamic communication studies.</p> <p>As a rigorous academic journal, <strong>Qaulan: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting</strong> adheres to high standards by accepting manuscripts exclusively from lecturers, researchers, students, and practitioners. These submissions must adhere to predetermined writing conditions, ensuring originality and relevance to the scope of Islamic communication and broadcasting. Manuscripts submitted undergo a meticulous evaluation process, with the editorial team assessing their novelty, scholarly rigor, and adherence to formatting standards. The goal is to maintain uniformity in format, terms, and procedural aspects, ensuring a high-quality and cohesive body of work.</p> <p>By upholding these stringent criteria, <strong>Qaulan: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting</strong> aims to maintain the integrity and credibility of the research it publishes. This approach not only contributes to the academic rigor of the journal but also promotes a diverse range of perspectives within the realm of Islamic communication and broadcasting. As an essential resource for scholars, students, and practitioners alike, <strong>Qaulan: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting</strong> plays a pivotal role in advancing understanding and discourse in this specialized field, making it an invaluable asset to the academic community.</p> en-US [email protected] (Marlina, MA) [email protected] (Ahmad Salman Farid, M.Sos) Sun, 30 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN SHIFTING CULTURAL CHANGE (REVIEW OF LITERATURE STUDIES IN THE CONTEXT OF MEDIA AND CULTURE) <p>This article is entitled the role of social media in shifting cultural change using a qualitative research approach to literature studies. Using the Uses and Gratifications theory , namely that media use is basically determined by the individual's basic needs. The findings that arise when using social media for audiences (viewers) are: are cognitive impact, imitation impact and behavioral impact. The impact of actively using social media: first, social media can threaten the social values that exist in society. Second, social media can strengthen the social values that exist in society. Third, social media will form new social values in people's lives.</p> Datuk Imam Marzuki Copyright (c) 2024 Datuk Imam Marzuki Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PERAN DA'I DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT IBADAH SHOLAT FARDHU MASYARAKAT DI KECAMATAN DOLOK KABUPATEN PADANG LAWAS UTARA <p>Apart from the rewards of prayer, it amazes and amazes us, because there is so much calm in our lives. It turns out that Allah has entrusted us with so many secrets, one of which is health and healing. Although the main purpose of prayer&nbsp; to uphold devotion to Allah . However, it is a shame that in Dolok District there are still many who squander this enjoyment. There are still many who abandon prayer. Even though the average person in Dolok District knows the benefits of offering fardhu prayers. The word da'i comes from Arabic which means someone who invites. The term communication science is called a communicator. In Indonesia, preachers are also known by other names such as mubaligh, ustadz. This is based on their existence duties being the same as those of preachers. In a special sense, a da'i is a person who invites other people, either directly or indirectly, with words, actions or behavior towards good or better conditions according to the laws of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Da'i strategies in Coaching congregational prayers is how to ensure that preachers can utilize the right time and place to invite people to join in congregational prayers. In this case, the dai uses verbal da'wah and also bil hal da'wah. Where oral da'wah utilizes community activities to convey the importance of attending congregational prayers, such as Friday sermons, recitations&nbsp; ta'lim assembly, and also other community religious activities such as halal bi halal or commemoration of the Prophet's birthday.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> ISMAIL NASUTION Copyright (c) 2024 ISMAIL NASUTION Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 ROLE OF CLASS WHATSAPP GROUPS IN INTERACTION PROGRAM STUDENT SOCIAL AND COMMUNICATION EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION STUDY FOR THE CLASS OF 2022 <p>This research aims to explore the role of WhatsApp groups in&nbsp;</p> <p>social interaction and communication of Administration Study Program students&nbsp;</p> <p>Class of 2022 education. With the development of communication technology,&nbsp;</p> <p>Instant messaging applications such as WhatsApp have become an important tool for&nbsp;</p> <p>students to communicate and coordinate in the environment&nbsp;</p> <p>academic. WhatsApp groups function not only as a medium&nbsp;</p> <p>dissemination of lecture information but also as a platform for&nbsp;</p> <p>supports social interaction outside formal lectures and facilities&nbsp;</p> <p>long distance communication. This research uses a qualitative approach&nbsp;</p> <p>with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews&nbsp;</p> <p>structured, and documentation. The results showed that group&nbsp;</p> <p>WhatsApp plays a vital role in conveying information&nbsp;</p> <p>important matters, discussing lecture material, arranging meetings,&nbsp;</p> <p>as well as strengthening social relationships and building learning communities&nbsp;</p> <p>who is supportive. However, there are several challenges such as network limitations&nbsp;</p> <p>and quotas, as well as potential miscommunications are also identified.</p> gita puspita Copyright (c) 2024 gita puspita Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 PELAYANAN INFORMASI MASYARAKAT MELALUI INSTAGRAM <p>Instagram merupakan platform yang paling banyak digunakan dalam penyebaran informasi karena kecepatan aksesnya, Dengan ini Diskominfo Kabupaten Madiun dituntut untuk mampu mengelola platform yang sedang eksis ini melalui akun Instagram @pemkabmadiun yang bersamaan dengan peran dan tanggung jawabnya dalam menyebarkan informasi sebagai humas pemerintah. Kehadiran akun Instagram @pemkabmadiun diharapkan agar segala bentuk informasi yang berkaitan dengan instansi pemerintah dapat tersampaikan dengan baik kepada masyarakat.</p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motif penggunaan Instagram @pemkabmadiun sebagai media informasi, mendeskripsikan bentuk informasi yang disampaikan melalui Instagram @pemkabmadiun, dan mengetahui proses pengelolaan Instagram sebagai media informasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil yang diperoleh akan dianalisis dengan mereduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.</p> <p>Kesimpulan mengenai pelayanan informasi masyarakat melalui Instagram di Dinas Komunikasi Dan Informatika Kabupaten Madiun antara lain: 1) Motif penggunaan akun Instagram @pemkabmadiun sebagai sarana informasi, yaitu media branding lembaga pemerintah, motif informasi dan motif promosi. 2) Bentuk informasi yang disampaikan melalui Instagram berupa informasi bentuk teks atau caption, informasi bentuk visual atau Instagram feed, dan informasi bentuk audio visual atau instagram reels. 3) Proses pengelolaan Instagram meliputi proses pengorganisasian, proses pengarahan, dan proses pengendalian.</p> Sinta Kumala Putri Sutardi, Kayyis Fithri Ajhuri Copyright (c) 2024 Sinta Kumala Putri Sutardi, Kayyis Fithri Ajhuri Mon, 03 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 DAKWAH: MISI PENYEBARAN AGAMA DAN TRANSFORMASI SOSIAL <p><em><strong>Abstract</strong>. Da'wah is a picture of someone who is conveying da'wah messages in front of a large congregation. Islamic Da'wah is a mission to spread the Islamic religion throughout history. The process of Islamic da'wah shows continuous, continuous and gradual activities. Da'wah activities are calling, inviting and calling people to believe and obey Allah. Da'wah is not only an activity to spread religious teachings, but is also a medium for social transformation in dealing with social problems such as extremism, intolerance, failure to understand the local context and humanitarian problems. The aim of this research is to find out the mission of spreading religion and social transformation. In this research, the author used qualitative methods to analyze descriptively. The data collection method used in this research is literature study, which is supported by theories obtained from journals and books. Social transformation always causes changes in society, one of which is globalization which causes various positive and negative impacts from the positive side, for example the development of science and technology which can be enjoyed by all social groups in society. Through da'wah, people must be encouraged to master science and technology in facing the ever-growing social transformation. Da'wah also motivates the people to work so that economic potential can be directed towards the right path, so that in the end the people can achieve glory. Social transformation that is good and approved by Allah SWT is then the task and responsibility of humans.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em><strong><em>Keywords: Da'wah, Islam, Social Transformation</em></strong></p> BAGUS PRAYUGO BAGUS Copyright (c) 2024 BAGUS PRAYUGO BAGUS Wed, 09 Oct 2024 08:22:31 +0000 COMMUNICATION STRATEGY OF THE DAKWAH ISTIQOMAH HIJRAH RANTAUPARAPAT GROUP IN GROWING PEOPLE'S LOVE FOR THE MOSQUE <p>The background of this research is that mosques today are often seen merely as ordinary public buildings, frequented mostly by elderly individuals. In contrast, during the time of the Prophet Muhammad, mosques served not only as places for congregational prayers but also as centers for various community activities. The Istiqomah Hijrah Da'wah Group is one of the youth-led Islamic outreach groups in Rantauprapat that engages in numerous religious activities, including visiting mosques outside the city and organizing activities within mosques. The aim of this study is to understand and analyze the communication strategies employed by the Istiqomah Hijrah Da'wah Group in fostering community love and appreciation for mosques.</p> <p>This research utilizes a qualitative approach with descriptive qualitative methods. Key informants include pivotal figures within the group such as the chairman, secretary, and other members of the Istiqomah Hijrah Da'wah Group. Data collection methods include participant observation, structured and unstructured interviews, as well as documentation through photos and videos. Data analysis involves data classification, reduction, description, and drawing conclusions, supported by data validity through source, method, and time triangulation.</p> <p>The findings reveal that the Istiqomah Hijrah Da'wah Group employs persuasive communication to encourage community involvement in mosques, as well as educational communication through weekly study sessions and biennial religious tours. They also utilize social media platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook to disseminate information about activities and messages related to mosques. Through these strategies, the group aims to strengthen the role of mosques in modern society.</p> Reihan Reihan Copyright (c) 2024 Reihan Reihan Wed, 09 Oct 2024 08:26:51 +0000