Konsep Ilmu Menurut al-Qur’an: Suatu Kajian Aksiologis

  • Fauzan Azhima Fauzan Azhima Pascasarjana Uin Ar-Raniry


The increasing separation of science from ethical and moral values ​​in this modern era. In many cases, science is used without considering its social and spiritual impacts, which can lead to abuse and moral damage. By studying the concept of science according to the Qur'an, we can find a more holistic guide on how science should be used for the good and welfare of humanity, as well as strengthening faith and piety to Allah SWT. This study uses a library research method or literature study. The research approach used by the author is a qualitative approach. The terminology of 'ilm in the Qur'an can be synonymous with ma'rifah and al-hikmah the source of knowledge comes from the Qur'an, Hadith, Reason, Revelation and Inspiration


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