• Dewi Wulan Dari Universitas Islam Negeri Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi


This thesis aims to reveal the Effect of Price and Productivity on the Income of Oil Palm Farmers in Ujung Tanjung Village, South Bahar District. This thesis uses a quantitative approach using a simple regression statistical analysis method partially and simultaneously with a sample of 53 farmers. The research carried out obtained the results and conclusions as follows: Partially the independent variables Price (X1) and Productivity (X2) affect farmers' income (Y) because the higher the price level of oil palm, the income of farmers will also increase. important factor in the welfare of oil palm farmers. When the price of palm oil falls, the burden on farmers' expenses for oil palm maintenance costs will be heavier and income will decrease, because with the same amount of productivity but the price of palm oil decreases, the farmers' income will automatically decrease. While Productivity (X2), the higher the productivity level of oil palm, the income of farmers will also increase. Productivity is one of the important factors in influencing the income of oil palm farmers. This is also proven when productivity increases, farmers' income will also increase, with high productivity being able to cover the operational costs of oil palm maintenance such as fertilization which is very influential in increasing oil palm productivity. Simultaneously (F test) shows that F count (23.182) > F table (3.18) and significant value (0.000) < a (0.05), then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that Price (X1) and Productivity (X2 ) together or simultaneously affect the income of oil palm farmers in Ujung Tanjung Village, South Bahar District because the higher the price and productivity of oil palm, the income of farmers will also increase.


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