Perkembangan Sosial, Emosi, Moral Anak Sekolah Dasar

Perkembangan Sosial, Emosi, Moral Anak Sekolah Dasar

  • Putri Yolanda Putri STAIN Mandailing Natal
Keywords: Perkembangan sosial, emosi, dan moral anak


This research aims to determine the characteristics of social, emotional and moral development in elementary school age children. The research method used in this research is literature study. The results of the research show that the social, emotional and moral development characteristics of elementary school children are aware of the social role, religion, race and socio-economic status of their peers, accept cultural assessments and adult attitudes towards their status, thus giving rise to group awareness in behaving in their social environment. . These characteristics will persist until late childhood and will continue until they are adults if educators provide stimulus to continue their developmental tasks maturely. This stimulus takes the form of guidance, direction, and provides a good and healthy socio-cultural environment for social, emotional and moral development
