• Mufida Ulfa Mufida Ulfa Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Humaniora UIN Khas Jember
Kata Kunci: Permasalahan, Muhalli, Maqashidi


The problem of muḥallil is quite an interesting problem, because in muḥallil practice there is what is known as muḥallil engineering. In responding to this, the scholars differed slightly in opinion, there were a few who allowed it, with enough permission. Seeing this, the author feels interested in examining more deeply the purpose and wisdom of the requirement of muḥallil in three divorces. To examine these goals and wisdom, the author traces through the book of commentaries al-Taḥrīr wa Tanwīr by Ibn Asyur, namely a scholar who focuses on Maqāṣid al-Syarī'ah. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with a focus on library research in which the object of study is the book al-Tahrīr wa al-Tanwīr by Ibn 'Asyūr using the content analysis method, namely analyzing the content of Ibn Asyur's description/interpretation in the book Tafsir al-Tahrir wa al-Tanwir The results of this study are that the goals and lessons of muḥallil are as follows, first, is a preventive measure so that husbands do not take the issue of divorce lightly. Second, so that the husband does not treat his wife arbitrarily, does not belittle her and make her a toy in her home. Third, as an 'iqab or torture for a husband who belittles his wife's rights, because the husband will feel tormented knowing that his wife, who is still loved, is slept with by another man. Fourth, as a lesson for husbands, so that they are aware of the difficulty of marrying a woman who is in another man's marriage so that it is not easy to divorce.


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