• Khairul Bahri Nasution


Al-Qardh is an act that is recommended in Islam, which will be rewarded by Allah SWT, and includes kindness if the borrower provides additional assets or goods borrowed on a voluntary basis, not because the loan conditions are met. It contains compassionate human and social values ​​to fulfill the borrower's needs. But in reality, sometimes the muqtaridh in doing al-qardh requires the benefit of the muqridh. This problem can be motivated by ignorance of the procedures for al-qardh taught by the Prophet in his words. The hadiths regarding al-Qard are from the Prophet ﷺ even though in some of the sanad there are weaknesses, especially in the history of Ibn Majah. However, because it is supported by another Sahih hadith and especially the Qur'an in surah Al-Baqarah: 245: "Who wants to give a loan to Allah, a good loan (spending his wealth in the way of Allah). al-Qardh is permissible as long as it does not lead to benefit, because al-Qardh that takes advantage of is usury. Even though the hadith regarding this is not valid, objects that are valid to be used as al-Qard are objects that can be measured, or weighed, or objects that can be counted.


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