Suara Korban Bullying: Kisah Perundungan Dilingkungan sekitar yang Kerap Diabaikan

  • Aldy Aldy STAIN Mandailing Natal
Keywords: : bullying, korban, lingkungan sosial, trauma, pencegahan


This article examines the experiences of victims of bullying in their surrounding environment, which is often ignored by society. The main focus of this research is to document victims' stories, identify the psychological, social, and emotional impacts of bullying, and explore how the environment—be it family, school, or community—responds to bullying. By using a qualitative approach and in-depth interviews, this article reveals that many victims feel unheard and experience long-term trauma due to the indifference of those who should provide protection. The results of this research highlight the importance of empathy, anti-bullying education, and establishing an inclusive support system to create a safe environment for all individuals. This article also provides strategic recommendations for preventing and handling bullying cases at the community level.
