Visualisasi Pencemaran Lingkungan Integrasi Karakter Peduli Lingkungan Hidup pada Pembelajaran IPA Tinjauan Perspektif Fenomenologis Abad 21

Visualisasi Pencemaran Lingkungan

  • Yosi Yulizah Yosi Doktoral UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta



This article discusses the importance of sustainable environmental management to maintain ecosystem balance and human welfare. The environment, which includes interactions between living things and abiotic components, is experiencing serious damage due to human activities such as illegal deforestation, forest burning, and uncontrolled waste disposal. In Indonesia, pollution and deforestation are the main causes of environmental damage, which have a negative impact on land, sea and air ecosystems. The Indonesian government has implemented various environmental-based programs that are in accordance with spatial management principles, but challenges are still large because environmental damage continues. This research reviews the negative effects of the conversion of hilly land to plantation land as well as local government actions in the context of the Welfare State Concept. Using qualitative methods through literature studies and case analysis, this research identifies problems of environmental pollution and damage and integrates the results in science learning at the elementary school or Madrasah Ibtidaiyah level. The focus is on developing an environmentally caring character, emphasizing the role of the individual, caring values, and changing behavior in facing global environmental challenges. This also highlights the importance of environmental education and awareness in addressing ecosystem damage. Measures such as reforestation, waste management, regulation of deforestation, and coral reef conservation are needed to restore the environment. Through a contextual approach, environment-based projects, and the use of interactive media in education, it is hoped that a generation that is more responsible for the environment can be formed. Global cooperation and real action from all parties, including government, society and the world of education, are very necessary to maintain the balance of the ecosystem and the welfare of human life.

Keywords: Environmental Pollution, Environmental Care, Science Learning
