
  • JRSC: Journal of Religious, Social and Cultural

    JRSC: Journal of Religious, Social and Cultural is a scientific journal published by Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal and published twice a year (June and December). This Journal contains research and conceptual articles (either qualitative field or qualitative literature) with a focus on studies of Religious, Social, and Cultural Studies. Here are some scopes issues that can be illustrated in JRSC: Journal of Religious, Social and Cultural. These scopes include Tradition or custom in Islamic society, Belief, and Ritual system in Islam, Islamic institution and organization, Quranic studies, Exegesis, Politics, Sufism, Ideas of Muslim scholars, Spanning the history, Philosophy, Islamic manuscripts,  Islamic art, Social movements, ritual, and philanthropy. 


    Al Ma'any: Jurnal Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Arab adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Bahasa dan Satra Arab Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal. Focus and Scope dalam jurnal ini adalah kajian tentang kebahasaan dan kesusastraan Arab serta kebudayaan yang bersifat tematis dengan berbagai pendekatan dalam lingkup bahasa dan sastra,

  • EKSYA : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah

    EKSYA adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ekonomi Syariah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal  dengan scope Ekonomi, Ekonomi syariah/Islam, Hukum Ekonomi Syariah, Perbankan Syariah, Keuangan Syariah, dan Bisnis Syariah. 

  • Al-Manaj : Jurnal Program Studi Manajemen Dakwah

    Almanaj adalah jurnal yang di kelola oleh program studi Manajemen dakwah STAIN Mandailing Natal. Jurnal dipublikasikan sebanyak 2 kali per tahun yakni di bulan Juni dan bulan Desember. Al manaj menerima artikel hasil penelitian dengan fokus dan scope di bidang Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam, Manajemen Dakwah, Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam dan Psikologi Islam.

  • Al-Mu'tabar

    Al-Mu'tabar is published twice a year, in June and December, by the Department of ilmu Hadith, Faculty of Ushuluddin Humaniora and Dakwah, State Islamic of Institute Mandailing Natal   Panyabungan North Sumatera Indonesia. The journal aims to encourage and promote the study of the Hadith from a wide range of scholarly perspectives. The topic covers all related issues in the study of the Hadith, including Linguistic, Literary, and Thematic Perspectives of the Hadith; Hadith Commentaries; The Hadith and Other Traditions; Methods and Approaches to the  Hadith; The Societal Hadith; Translation of the Hadith; Historical of the Hadith and Living Hadith.


  • JURNAL TILA ( Tarbiyah Islamiyah Lil Athfaal )

    Jurnal TILA ( Tarbiyah Islamiyah Lil Athfaal ) adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal.

  • Journal of Community Dedication and Development (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat)

    Jurnal ini adalah jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga P3M Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal

  • Edu Global : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

    Edu Global: Journal of Islamic Education is an academic journal dedicated to the study of Islamic education in various dimensions, including theory, practice, innovation, and development at the local and global levels. The journal aims to be a scientific platform for researchers, academics, and practitioners in Islamic education to publish research findings, conceptual articles, and in-depth literature reviews. Published twice a year, Edu Global is committed to upholding high scientific standards through a rigorous and transparent peer-review process conducted by experts in the field of Islamic education. The journal aspires to make meaningful contributions to enrich knowledge and encourage constructive dialog in advancing Islamic education in line with contemporary challenges.


    The journal accepts submissions from authors with diverse backgrounds, both national and international, focusing on topics such as, Islamic education methodology, Integration of Islamic values in the curriculum, Technology in Islamic learning, Dynamics of Islamic education in the modern era, Inclusive education based on Islamic values, and Manuscript studies.

    Edu Global is currently accredited as a scientific journal by the Indonesian Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology, holding a SINTA 5 rating based on Decree Number. 1439/E5/DT.05.00/2024, valid until Volume 7, Issue 1, in 2026.  





  • Al-Kauniyah

    Al-Kauniyah adalah Jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Alquran dan Tafsir Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal.

    E-ISSN: 2746-9042

    P-ISSN: 2746-9050

  • JIBF MADINA : Journal Islamic Banking and Finance Madina

    JIBF Madina adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Perbankan Syariah Jurusan Syariah, Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal (STAIN MADINA), Sumatera Utara, Indonesia


    Jurnal J-Mabisya adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Manajemen Bisnis Syariah Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal. Jurnal mabisya merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan secara berkala dalam bidang keilmuan Islamic Business, Enterpreneur, Marketing Management, Finance Management, Operation Management, Human Resource Management, Management Accounting, Economic, E-Business, Social Business, Business Ethics and Sustainable, Syaria Economic dan Islamic Banking. Artikel yang memenuhi syarat dan prosedur akan diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember setiap tahunnya.

  • Islamic Circle

    Islamic Circle: Jurnal Hukum Ekonomi Syari'ah (Muamalah) is an academic journal focusing on the study of Sharia economic law (muamalah). This journal provides open access to disseminate high-quality research, emphasizing Economic Law and Business Law from the perspectives of Islamic Law and Positive Law, Islamic Business Ethics, the Halal Industry, and the integration of local culture in the implementation of Sharia economic law.

    Published biannually (June and December), the journal implements a rigorous peer-review process to ensure high scientific standards. Islamic Circle aims to serve as a platform for researchers, academics, and practitioners to publish research and conceptual studies while exploring the role of local culture in developing Sharia economic law relevant to contemporary socio-economic challenges.

    The main topics accepted include: Economic Law and Business Law (Islamic Law and Positive Law), Islamic Business Ethics, The Halal Industry, Dynamics of Sharia Economic Law in the modern era, Integration of Sharia values in economics and business, Tadayun approaches in economic law, Studies on local culture in implementing Sharia economic law

    This journal is accredited with SINTA 5 by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of Indonesia (Decree No. 1439/E5/DT.05.00/2024) and valid until Volume 6, Issue 2, in 2025.

  • QAULAN : Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam

    Qaulan: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting registered with ISSN : 2721-8279 (Online) and ISSN : 2722-2780 (Printed). Published biannually, in June and December, this journal serves as a pivotal platform for the exploration and dissemination of knowledge within the field of Islamic communication and broadcasting. Qaulan is under the aegis of the Mandailing Natal Islamic Broadcasting Communication Studies Program, solidifying its commitment to fostering academic excellence and contributing to the discourse in Islamic communication studies.

    As a rigorous academic journal, Qaulan: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting adheres to high standards by accepting manuscripts exclusively from lecturers, researchers, students, and practitioners. These submissions must adhere to predetermined writing conditions, ensuring originality and relevance to the scope of Islamic communication and broadcasting. Manuscripts submitted undergo a meticulous evaluation process, with the editorial team assessing their novelty, scholarly rigor, and adherence to formatting standards. The goal is to maintain uniformity in format, terms, and procedural aspects, ensuring a high-quality and cohesive body of work.

    By upholding these stringent criteria, Qaulan: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting aims to maintain the integrity and credibility of the research it publishes. This approach not only contributes to the academic rigor of the journal but also promotes a diverse range of perspectives within the realm of Islamic communication and broadcasting. As an essential resource for scholars, students, and practitioners alike, Qaulan: Journal of Islamic Communication and Broadcasting plays a pivotal role in advancing understanding and discourse in this specialized field, making it an invaluable asset to the academic community.

  • MATAAZIR: Jurnal Administrasi dan Manajemen Pendidikan

    Mataazir adalah jurnal ilmiah berkala yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam (MPI) Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Mandailing Natal. Jurnal ini berfokus pada studi tentang Ilmu Manajemen Pendidikan Islam atau Manajemen Pendidikan secara general melalui penelitian berbasis riset dan penelitian non riset/literatur kepustakaan. Dewan editorial menyambut kontribusi dalam bentuk artikel dari ilmuwan, cendekiawan, profesional, mahasiswa dan peneliti dalam disiplin Manajemen Pendidikan Islam/Manajemen Pendidikan yang akan diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun (Juni dan Desember) dan disebarluaskan setelah melalui mekanisme pemilihan naskah, studi mitra berkelanjutan, dan proses penyuntingan.

  • El-Ahli : Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam

    Jurnal El-Ahli adalah sebuah jurnal Blind peer-review yang didedikasikan untuk publikasi hasil penelitian yang berkualitas dalam bidang ilmu Hukum Islam dan  Hukum Keluar Islam namun tak terbatas secara implisit. semua publikasi di Jurnal  El-Ahli bersifat akses terbuka yang memungkinkan artikel tersedia secara bebas online tanpa berlangganan apapun.

  • Journal of English Education and Linguistics

    The Journal of English Education and Linguistics welcomes submission of previously unpublished research articles on areas of significance to all those concerned with second or foreign language teaching, general and applied linguistics, discourse analysis and literature, as well as education.

    The journal is devoted to scientific studies exhibiting solid research methodology and presenting findings with pedagogically significant implications.

    Although the articles are published in English, we also invite any articles concerning the teaching and learning of languages other than English.

  • El-Jaudah : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab

    El-Jaudah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab is a peer-reviewed journal in the fields of Arabic language education, literature and culture, linguistics, and all those related to Arabic education and literature. This journal welcomes submissions of previously unpublished research articles in Arabic or English for all those concerned with second or foreign language teaching, general and applied linguistics, discourse analysis, and literature, as well as education. The journal is devoted to scientific studies exhibiting solid research methodology and presenting findings with pedagogically significant implications. It is published by Department of Arabic Education of State Collage for Islamic Studies of Mandailing Natal