Archiving Policy


Edu Global: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam is committed to the long-term preservation and accessibility of all published content. To ensure the availability and security of scholarly articles, we employ the following archiving strategies:

Digital Archiving

All articles published in Edu Global: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam are archived and preserved in multiple formats and locations to safeguard against data loss or server failure. This ensures that articles remain accessible over time.

Institutional Repository

The journal supports the deposit of its content in institutional repositories of the authors’ affiliated universities or organizations. Authors are encouraged to archive their published articles in these repositories for broader dissemination.


The journal participates in the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) programs, which enable libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration.

National Repository

In compliance with regulations and standards for academic publishing, Edu Global: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam submits published articles to national repositories managed by [insert name of relevant national library or archiving service].

Open Access Policy

As an open-access journal, all published articles are freely available online immediately after publication. This ensures that scholarly content remains accessible to a global audience without restrictions.

Data Backup and Security

The journal’s publishing platform is supported by regular data backups to ensure the integrity and security of all published content. The data backup system minimizes the risk of data loss due to technical issues or cyber threats.

Preservation of Metadata

The journal ensures that metadata for each article, including title, authors, keywords, and DOI (Digital Object Identifier), is preserved in external indexing services and systems such as Crossref, Google Scholar, and other databases.

Retraction and Removal Policy

In rare cases where an article must be retracted or removed due to ethical concerns or legal reasons, the journal ensures that the metadata and record of the article remain available, indicating the reason for its retraction or removal to preserve transparency.

Long-Term Accessibility

The journal is committed to ensuring that its content remains accessible and usable in perpetuity. All efforts are made to adapt to evolving digital formats and technologies to maintain the accessibility of scholarly content.

For further inquiries regarding our archiving policy or preservation practices, please contact us at +62 821-6804-8235.